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How to Get Cannabis Medicine During COVID-19

The ongoing pandemic has caused a lot of confusion about where, when, and how to get cannabis during COVID-19. While we’ve made some changes at the BC Compassion Club in order to abide by Provincial health guidelines, the good news is we are open! And you can still buy cannabis swiftly and simply from our dispensary. Want to know how you can safely buy your medicine? Learn More…

What We’re Doing at The Club to Keep You Safe

We have since developed a way for members to visit us that follows all Provincial guidelines regarding COVID-19 prevention. This involves a few extra precautions in the dispensary space, such as:

  • All staff wearing masks (including the recent staff decision to double-mask to prevent the spread of UK & South African COVID-19 variants)
  • Plexiglass dividers in the dispensary reception areas
  • Increased sanitization of commonly used surfaces and shared workspaces
  • Limiting the number of staff or members in one area
  • Mandatory health & temperature checks for staff BEFORE each shift
  • Staff self-isolation & testing if ANY symptoms of COVID-19 are displayed     

Please know that we are taking these precautions seriously. Many of our members and staff have serious health conditions that make them more susceptible to COVID-19 and it could be life-threatening if contracted.

This is also why we’ve developed a new system for ordering our cannabis medicines…

Our New Pickup Process: How to Buy Cannabis From Us 

While we loved the old, open way of doing things, that simply doesn’t work during a pandemic. We can no longer allow members to smell or touch the cannabis, at the current time we cannot offer multiple walk-in lanes, neither can we share hugs or high fives with everyone. But our new pickup system still allows members to stop by on short notice.

Fast & Simple — Scheduled Pickups

If you’ve bought cannabis from us in the past few months, you’re probably already aware of our current pickup system. It’s not an involved process:

  1. Call us by phone, or contact us by email, to place an order at least 15-20 minutes before you intend to pick up, so that we can get your order ready and minimize wait times at the Club.
  2. We will arrange a certain pickup “window” to keep the number of members inside the dispensary to a max of 2 members in the Club at any one time.
  3. Pick up your medicine at the arranged time.

If you leave a voicemail or email, we will contact you back as soon as we can to arrange a pick-up time.

We love how this system has been working! By pre-ordering, it keeps wait times low and allows members to gather their medicine quickly and with limited contact.

Patient & Spontaneous —Walk-Ins

While we encourage members to contact us ahead of time to preschedule their orders in order to get their cannabis medicine during COVID-19 (at least 20 minutes ahead of time is usually enough to get your order ready), we recognize that there are some members who may have difficulties placing orders by phone or email.  

If that is the case, or if you just happen to be in the area and want to stop by, we do accept limited walk-ins. However, those with scheduled pickups will be given priority, so walk-ins may have to wait a few minutes before they are served. Don’t worry, we will do our best to ensure that all members are served as quickly as possible.

Let’s Work Together to Keep Everyone Safe

Now you know how to buy your cannabis from the club during COVID-19, and with these new protocols in place, we can keep everyone healthy and safe.

We appreciate your patience when it comes to our new pick-up system and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our members. Remember, this isn’t forever. There will come a day when we can all socialize, gather, and hug without worry. But for now, we’re all in this together and we can all get through this difficult time by practicing a little patience, kindness, and compassion.

Need more info or want to reach out to us? We are here to help.

Call us at (604) 875-0437

Or Email us at for general info, or for medicine orders.