In order to become a member of the BCCCS, an applicant must submit a confirmation of diagnosis from their practitioner. Depending on the medical condition, a recommendation for the use of cannabis may also be required.

Your health care practitioner (physician) must complete our Practitioner’s Statement, stamp it and fax it to us from her/his office. We no longer accept Health Canada MMAR authorizations.

While many practitioners recognize the effectiveness of cannabis as a medicine, we realize that there are some who still may feel uncomfortable recommending cannabis or even completing the form. Some of them fear professional repercussions or may not feel that they have enough knowledge about this herbal medicine.

The BCCCS has endeavoured to make our forms as undaunting as possible. The practitioner is asked to confirm their patient’s diagnosis, and whether they recommend the use of cannabis. If they indicate that they do not recommend the use of cannabis, they are asked for the reason – legal, medical, or otherwise.

Depending on the condition, a confirmation of  diagnosis may be sufficient for membership, as long as the reasons stated for not recommending cannabis use are not of a medical nature.

In order to maintain the confidentiality of our members and their health care providers, we are not able to refer you to doctors who have signed statements in the past. There are many compassionate doctors out there and we encourage you to keep trying.

After we have received and confirmed the necessary documentation from your practitioner, you will have met the criteria for membership. You will be placed on a waiting list for a membership registration and orientation appointment. Please inquire with reception about current wait times, which generally range from 1-2 weeks depending on demand. As you come up on the wait-list, you will be called to book your intake appointment.

If you are in a terminal or critical stage of your illness, your membership can be fast-tracked by having your practitioner indicate this in the appropriate place on the application.

We are working hard to process all applications for membership and appreciate your patience.


These forms are in PDF format.

1. Dear Potential Member: This goes over our procedures and instructions to you.

2. Dear Health Care Practitioner & Practitioner Statement: This is a letter that explains to your health care practitioner (Physician or Nurse Practitioner) who we are and how to support you in becoming a members of the BCCCS. It includes the form that we ask your practitioner to complete on your behalf and fax back to us from their office.