Notice of General Meeting: August 7th

Notice of General Meeting OF MEMBERS 

Date and Time: Sunday, August 7, 2022, at 12:00 Noon


The Board of Directors of the British Columbia Compassion Club Society (the “Society”) is calling a General Meeting of Members (the “Meeting”) to be held on Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 12:00 Noon at 2995 Commercial Drive.

To assist us in our planning, please RSVP by email to or call us at 604 875-0437 by no later than August 1, 2022

The purpose of this meeting will be to consider and approve the dissolution of the Society and to approve the recipient of the money and other property of the Society after the Society’s liabilities have been paid. 

The Society is required to hold an in-person meeting of members. With the ongoing spread of COVID-19, the limited space at 2995 Commercial Drive, and the immunocompromised status of many of the Society’s members, we strongly encourage members who are interested in participating in this meeting to vote by proxy at the meeting.

Members will also have the opportunity to view the Meeting virtually through ZOOM. ZOOM details will be provided on request to  Please note: Members who view the Meeting through ZOOM will not be permitted to vote at the Meeting. This is because of a recent BC court case and changes to the BC Societies Act that have introduced certain electronic meeting requirements that are not reflected in the Society’s bylaws. Members wishing to vote on matters at the Meeting must either attend the Meeting in person OR vote by proxy by completing the attached proxy form. Members wishing to vote on matters at the Meeting are strongly encouraged to vote by proxy.

Click here to download the proxy form

If you wish to vote by proxy, you must return the proxies to the Society in accordance with the instructions set out in the form. 

-Board of Directors