Press Release

BCCCS Working to Further Legitimize Medical Cannabis Cultivation

Archived from 13 January, 2011

You may have seen media recently talking about a supposed confrontation between BCCCS and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

In November the CRA served the BCCCS with a “requisition” to provide all financial and contact information about our cultivators for the years 2007-2009 so that they could assess them for undeclared income. The CRA is not targeting the Club itself, but would like our cultivators to pay income tax if they haven’t been.

We have actually been working with the CRA to bring our cultivators into the tax system voluntarily with much lesser consequences, while simultaneously avoiding a tax investigation or criminal prosecution.We are finding our way through this situation with the help of the best legal team in Canada.

Previously, most of our cultivators believed either that they could not declare income from an “illegal” activity, or that declaring such income would lead them to being busted by the police. We are working with an accountant to help our cultivators file their back taxes, as well as to develop a template for claiming expenses which may potentially be used by all medical marijuana cultivators throughout Canada.

We believe we are creating progressive solutions that will help to advance the legitimization of medical cannabis in Canada. The BCCCS is committed to continue pioneering on behalf of all compassion clubs and dispensaries to transition the medical cannabis market to a safe, legal one.